Hosted by Forensic Dietitians Sub-Group
Join us for a day of networking, Forensic specific CPD, interactive workshops and case discussions
Topics include:
About Bethan - In her current role in Health in Justice she is passionate about exploring food provision, food choice and eating behaviours to better understand and improve dietary intake in an already vulnerable population. Before starting this post in 2009, she was Senior Lecturer in Dietetics at Coventry University and spent six years working in various specialties within NHS Trusts.
About Claire - Prior to working in the prison service she worked as an acute dietitian in hospitals, a catering dietitian at a mental healthcare trust and a community gastro dietitian. In her current role she sees patients during clinic times and regularly run group education sessions about different health conditions common among the population such as T2DM and cardiovascular disease. She is also very involved in working with prison governors and catering teams to try to improve the nutritional aspect of the meals and to try to get more healthy foods into the canteens for them to purchase.
Places are limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
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