Palliative care: A holistic approach to nutrition in palliative care webinar recordings


Access the recordings from the A holistic approach to nutrition in palliative care session.

This webinar will explore the dietary challenges faced by individuals in the palliative phase of their illness and insights gleaned from Anne’s doctoral thesis on patients’, carers’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on the role of nutrition in palliation that can help tailor the provision of dietetic care to those we seek to support. 

The speaker Anne Holdoway DHealth, BSc RD FBDA, Consultant Dietitian will also present the outputs of stakeholder engagement projects in palliative care, undertaken over a seven-year period, that facilitated the development of dietetic services in this often underserved area of nutrition and dietetics. There will also be a chance to hear more about the work of the palliative care sub-group of the BDA Oncology Specialist Group.

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