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Erick Mosquera

Contact address:
Liverpool United Kingdom
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Erick, a sports nutritionist graduated from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). His passion has led him to the role of Head of Sports Nutrition at LJMU's high-performance unit, where he guides LJMU scholars and TASS athletes towards their peak potential. With a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between nutrition and athletic achievement, Erick and his sports nutrition team tailor nutritional strategies that empower athletes to thrive in their respective domains.

Erick's impact is also felt through his work with professional combat athletes through Vortex Combat Sports Performance, where he applies a blend of scientific rigor and practical wisdom to optimize their performance. Notably, he has also lent his expertise to the Everton Women's Football Academy, showcasing his versatile skill set in enhancing the nutrition of athletes from various sporting disciplines.

Erick is a member of the Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Lifelong Health research group at LJMU. As an emerging researcher, he plays a pivotal role in advancing the understanding of lifelong health physiology and metabolism. Erick's research endeavors encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from working with endurance-based athletes such as triathletes and ultra-endurance athletes to collaborating with bodybuilders. This versatile engagement reflects his commitment to delving into the intricacies of sports nutrition, aiming to enhance athletes' well-being and performance.

Through his multifaceted engagement in pioneering research and sports nutrition application, Erick continues to exemplify an unwavering commitment to elevating the field of sports nutrition. Simultaneously, he actively seeks to bridge the gap between research and its practical application, fostering a seamless transition from scientific insights to tangible athletic success.

Nutrition Services Provided in Liverpool