BDA Heart Unions 2024 - Solidarity

15 February 2024
by David Hamblin

Strike Action in Northern Ireland – a show of solidarity!

On 18 January 2024 BDA Trade Union members working for Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) (the equivalent of the NHS in Northern Ireland) did something unprecedented: they went on strike, joined picket lines, and demonstrated that dietetic workers would fight back when placed in an intolerable position. However, it’s important to remember that the action that took place on 18 January did not occur overnight…

Indeed, the strike action that took place could not legally take place overnight due to the restrictive anti-trade union laws that are in place. Ballots needed to be conducted in a way that complied with legal statutes. In order to conduct those ballots BDA Trade Union Representatives and volunteers in HSCNI had to conduct a significant data gathering exercise to ensure that we had as up to date as possible information on membership employers and workplaces.

The BDA Trade Union team helped facilitate consultative ballots, briefings of members (both during the balloting process and prior to the strike action itself), as well as generating materials for the picket line. However, we are keenly aware that it was the work of BDA members on the ground that ultimately ensured that the voice of BDA members were heard.

We are extremely grateful to our fantastic Trade Union reps in Northern Ireland who worked so hard to make the day a success by organising pickets, attending the rallies and speaking up for dietitians in the media. When the chips were down, they pulled out all the stops and worked as a collective making all of us here at the national union very proud.

We are currently reviewing what worked and what areas the BDA Trade Union team can improve upon to better support members. We do know one thing for sure though: BDA members are determined to fight back against attacks on their pay and conditions and they will continue to fight until pay justice is achieved.

Finally, a huge thank you to all members who took strike action on 18 January. It is never an easy decision to take but the BDA is very grateful that you all stood up for what is important and came together in a great show of solidarity and determination.