BDA Trade Union position on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for NHS staff

15 December 2021

Following the disappointing decision taken by Parliament last night to introduce mandatory COVID vaccinations for all NHS staff, the BDA would like to reiterate our position of opposition which can be found here.

With over 92% of all NHS staff having received at least one dose of vaccination we believe that this move is an unnecessary use of valuable resources at this critical time. The move also has the potential to lead to around 70,000 staff leaving the NHS at a time when services are running at unsustainably short staffing levels.

This guidance has been produced and circulated to all NHS employing organisations and we would urge you to read it so that you are prepared and well informed.

The BDA Trade Union will be working with our sister unions to ensure that a national redeployment framework is developed in order to mitigate potential job losses. 

Please note that we would urge all staff who have not already done so to take up the offer of a vaccination as the best way to protect yourselves, your loved ones and patients; but we do not believe that this should be a condition of employment. The deadlines for vaccine take-up are 3 February for the first dose and 31 March for the second. Detail on exemptions and possible extensions to the deadline are contained within the guidance.

Finally, if you feel that you are being unfairly treated in relation to this new requirement or would like further information, please contact your local BDA Trade Union representative or the Trade Union team here at the BDA immediately for advice.

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