Dietitians union condemns government recommendation for 1% NHS pay award

5 March 2021

Yesterday, government published its evidence to the NHS pay review body recommending a paltry 1% pay increase for NHS staff. The announcement was made just 24 hours after the Chancellor's budget.  

BDA Trade Union Director, Annette Mansell-Green said:

“Dietitians, along with other dedicated and hard-working NHS staff, have been subjected to real terms pay cuts for over 10 years. 

“To have this cynical and measly recommendation made at a time when they have been going above and beyond during the pandemic is an insult.

“A newly qualified band 5 dietitian earning just £24,904 per year would receive a little over £5 a week before tax, NI and student loan payments are deducted; which is shocking to say the least. 

“Our members have been working on the front line in COVID wards and across the NHS during what has been one of the most dreadful health emergencies this country has ever seen. 

“Dietitians and dietetic support workers have gone above and beyond to do what was needed for their patients. Almost a year into the pandemic, we are seeing the impacts of that on their health and wellbeing.

“These hard working and vital NHS staff deserve more than a clap, a badge and an insulting 1% pay rise and we know most people in the UK want them to have one.

“This country can afford a substantial pay rise for NHS staff which would put money back into the treasury and local economies, and there is a moral duty to show that they are really valued.

“How can we possibly accept government ministers defending the decision on the grounds of affordability, when government shelled out £37bn pounds to private companies for a track and trace system that has failed to deliver. 

“This is in contrast to a very successful vaccination programme that is delivered by NHS staff, including BDA members.”

The Pay Review Body will consider this evidence from government along with the evidence already submitted by the joint NHS trade unions and will present its findings with recommendations in May. In the meantime, the BDA as part of the 14 heath trade unions will continue to fight for a real and meaningful deal for our members.

Learn more about the case for a meaningful NHS pay rise.

Learn more about what dietitians working with COVID patients in ICU do.

Journalists can contact the BDA press office for further comment on 0121 200 8018 or [email protected]

BDA members can learn more about their trade union here

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