❤ Unions ❤ Equalities

1 January 1900

Equality is at the heart of the union movement.

As Trade Unionists we believe passionately in the principle of dignity and fairness in both the workplace and society. It is for that reason that we are committed to combatting discrimination. 

We understand the need for the voices of those in equality strands to be heard and it is for this reason that the BDA Trade Union National Executive Committee has reserved seats for Youth, Disability, BAME, and LGBT+.

As affiliates to the Trades Union Congress (TUC) we are active participants in the Equality Conferences which help shape the way the union movement in the UK campaigns on issues relating to equality in the workplace. 

If you face discrimination in the workplace it is a BDA Trade Union Representative who will be at your side fighting back. The BDA Trade Union alongside other TUC affiliates are continually campaigning for strengthening anti-discrimination legislation and we will continue to support amplifying the voices of those that face discrimination.

It is for this reason the BDA have established an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee to ensure proper representation in the work of the BDA.


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