Volunteers Week

4 June 2020
by Carlena Probert-Baulch

Here at the BDA every day we see the positive impact our volunteers make, not just in our own organisation but across the dietetic community and beyond.

Our incredible volunteers give their precious time to support the profession, doing so with kindness, empathy and the desire to make the world of dietetics, and the wider community, a better place. Our volunteers are involved in so many activities, it’s difficult to name them all, but in each one they contribute their voices and expertise to improve their practice and profession. Together they are helping to lead the dietetic community as a whole by building communities for learning and support, campaigning for better care and against injustice, influencing policy and practice, representing dietetics in the media and to the public at events.

The power, and impact, of volunteers has been magnified during the strain of the past few months. Our volunteers have pulled together to show how collaboration and expertise within the profession can be harnessed to contribute to an unprecedented national crisis. The number of contributions made, by BDA volunteers, to support, and lead, the dietetic community and the public has been phenomenal. This one experience has further demonstrated how valuable volunteers are to the profession and to the BDA, as well as to the wider public good.

Everyone has their own personal reasons for wanting to volunteer, whether it’s to gain experience, make new connections or learn new skills. Whatever the reason may be, there is no doubt that by contributing, and importantly leading, the work of the BDA our volunteers make it the organisation that it is today, increasing its reach and impact and acting as true ambassadors for the profession.

All of our volunteers deserve a massive thank you and our heartfelt appreciation for all of the work that they undertake on behalf of the BDA and the profession. We truly appreciate all of the time, effort and energy that is contributed to making the world of dietetics a better place. So, from all at the BDA thank you, for everything that you do and everything that you will do to help nurture, guide and lead the organisation, without your help ours would be a much harder task.

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