
Appendix 1 - Example supervision agreement

To print this document off for use in your own supervision, you can download the Appendix 1 template here

Example Supervision agreement

Name of practitioner:


Role / level of practice:

Named Practice Supervisor:

Named Management Supervisor:

Named Restorative Supervisor:

Start date of agreement:

Review date of agreement:

What is the purpose of your supervision?

  • e.g. management / practice /restorative supervision
  • relating to a specific task or skill?
  • Is it aiming to meet specific learning or development needs, how will supervision help?

What structure will your supervision take?  

  • e.g. 1:1, peer / groups?
  • Face to face or remote?
  • Is direct or indirect supervision required?

Frequency of supervision?

  • e.g. weekly / monthly / quarterly?
  • How long for and what time of day?
  • Is there protected time in both supervisor and supervisee job plan?
  • How will you ensure sufficient privacy and confidentiality?
  • Who is responsible for arranging the dates / times / location / booking of room?

Location of supervision?

  • How will you ensure privacy and maintain confidentiality?

Feedback, documentation, and confidentiality

  • How will you evaluate and review the success and ongoing relevance of the supervision agreement? 
  • What type of record will be kept and where?
  • How will you both access the record?
  • Who will be responsible for completing the documentation?
  • What are the confidentiality terms? What circumstances may require information to be shared?

Adapted from HCPC Supervision Agreement Template which can be accessed here.

Appendix 2 - Example supervision log

To print this document off for use in your own supervision, you can download the Appendix 2 template here.

Name of practitioner:


Role / level of practice:

Named Practice Supervisor:

Named Management Supervisor:

Named Restorative Supervisor:

Week beginning


Practice supervision (formal)

Restorative supervision (formal)

Management supervision (formal)


3/1/24 – 10 min

5/1/24 – 5 min





8/1/24 – 20 min

10/1/24 -5 min

11/1/24 – 40 mins




15/1/24 – 5 min

16/1/24 – 5 min

17/1/24 – 5 min

18/1/24 – 5 min


17/1/24 – 60 mins



23/1/24 – 10 min

25/1/24 – 5 min

24/1/24 – 35 min




29/1/24 – 10 min

30/1/24 – 10 min



2/2/24 – 60 min

Appendix 3 - Example supervision template

This example supervision template is available on the HCPC website here. Or to print this document off for use in your own supervision, you can download the Appendix 3 template here.

Name of supervisee:

Name of supervisor:

Date of meeting:

What’s the aim or purpose of your supervision session?

  • Supervision can have multiple objectives, such as discussions of your caseload, assistance with particular tasks or challenges; wellbeing checks; workload planning; or debriefing discussions.
  • It’s important that your supervision has a clear focus. You should try to keep the purpose of your supervision as targeted as possible by identifying clear actions and objectives at the beginning of each session.
  • If this is a follow up session, it could be helpful to review notes of your last meeting to discuss previous actions identified and any progress made against these.

What goals have you achieved since your last supervision?

  • When discussing your achievements, you may also consider how you have put this learning into practice and how this has contributed towards your professional development.

What challenges have you faced since your last supervision?

  • You may want to outline any challenges that you have faced since your last supervision, and what you have done to overcome these.
  • If any challenges remain, you could outline what’s needed to help you overcome these going forward.

What future learning objectives have you identified and what do you hope to achieve before your next supervision?

  • How will you achieve these objectives, and by when?

  • How will these contribute towards your professional development?

  • Will you need any additional support?

Feedback from supervisor

  • Feedback should be clear and focused. It should also be evidence based, which means clearly outlining the reasons for any comments provided.

  • Identifying clear actions and objectives will help ensure feedback is constructive, but you should also use this section to reiterate/highlight any achievements and progress made.

What actions have been agreed?

  • Think about what you have learnt from this supervision session, and what will you do differently.

When will your next supervision session be?

  • Agree a date, time and venue for your next session.

Signed: (Supervisee)


Signed: (Supervisor)
