BDA Ibex recipient: Anna Julian

4 November 2021
Anna Julian.jpg

Anna Julian, Advanced Specialist Dietitian in Medical and Gastroenterology Services at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, was the recipient of the Ibex in 2021.

We spoke to Anna to find out about what it means to have been awarded, why she became a dietitian and her advice for future dietitians.

What does it mean to you to have been awarded an Ibex?

I was really chuffed to find out I’d been awarded the Ibex. I have been involved with various BDA groups and branches since I started working as a dietitian, so it feels great to see that work recognised – especially after this year!

What drove you to become a dietitian in the first place and be where you are today?

My mum, who is a nurse, introduced me to the world of dietetics. She showed me that I could combine my passions for food, team working and supporting others by becoming a dietitian. I have gone on to work in an R&D role, collaborating at every opportunity and championing advanced practice in dietetics for optimum patient care.

Who would you say inspires you both dietetically but also non-dietetically?

Prof Mary Hickson has been an inspiration and a mentor, guiding me through my PhD and beyond! I love to follow writers and creatives for ideas, and people like Sarah Wilkinson for her work at NHS Digital.  

What advice would you give to future dietitians? 

Work on your transferable skills. It’s never too early to develop leadership skills, and research skills will stand you in good stead wherever you end up!

What has been the highlight of your dietetic career to date? 

Completing my PhD was a massive achievement and taught me a huge amount. I love it when an idea comes from the team’s research, is taken forward and starts to become a reality for patients!

Find out more about the BDA Ibex award, and how you can nominate a colleague here.

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