NHS Scotland Industrial Action Ballots

26 October 2022

Following the result of our online consultation it has been agreed that we will issue a formal industrial action ballot to BDA members in NHS Scotland. 

Due to legal requirements this will take the form of a postal ballot which should be arriving at your home address shortly. This is your opportunity to state whether you would be willing to take industrial action in response to the current pay offer. For a strike ballot to be legally valid we require a turnout of more than 50% of our membership.

If your vote is to count, this voting paper must be received at the address on the prepaid envelope by 12 noon on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022. 

The current offer may be found here:

NHS Scotland Agenda for Change Pay Offer 2022-23

We are keen to emphasise again that in order for the ballot to be legally valid we need to have a turnout of more than 50% and are therefore actively encouraging members to complete and return their ballots. It is important that we are able to demonstrate that the NHS Scotland workforce (and the Dietetic workforce in particular) is engaged in the pay process.

Further information may be found on the ballot itself. If you have any queries around your ballot please contact our BDA Organising Officer, David Hamblin.

We understand that the balloting process can raise a number of questions and for that reason we have set up a number of webinars so that a mix of BDA Trade Union Officers and BDA Trade Union Representatives can answer queries. These webinars are open for all BDA members working for NHS Scotland. We will add further webinar dates as required. 

Click on your chosen date and time below to join: