The BDA is disappointed with Scotland’s decision to back down on its commitment to provide free school meals for all primary school children

10 September 2024

Last week the Scottish government dropped its commitment to expand universal free school meals provision to all primary pupils. The SNP administration's Programme for Government said funding will be targeted at expanding free school meals only to P6 and P7 (10-12 year old) pupils whose families are in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment.

The Scottish First Minister, John Swinney MSP, said his government has made the decision, part of a £500 million cut in spending, due to "incredibly challenging" financial conditions. A government source added that the intention remained to expand the policy to all pupils when financial circumstances allowed, though they were unable to say when that might happen.

The BDA is disappointed in this decision, especially as the First Minister stated on the publication of the Programme that tackling child poverty was the government’s "first and foremost” priority.

We urge the Scottish government to recognise the positive impact that universal free school meals can have in reducing child food poverty when rolled out for all primary pupils. We call on them to complete the expansion as soon as possible, making the programme a priority.

We note that roll out across all primary pupil has been successfully achieved in Wales showing the policy can be successfully implemented in the current financial climate.