The BDA launches its manifesto – with the health of the nation and improvements for NHS workers at its heart

19 June 2024

We’ve launched our manifesto this month, highlighting our five priorities for a future government. The campaigns cover areas to support the workforce with in the NHS as well as urgent asks that we feel will significantly impact public health and reduce disparities. 

With many families across the UK not being able to access a healthy, balanced diet, regardless of their income or background and the NHS in crisis, now is a pivotal moment to get policies in place that can safeguard the wellbeing of our nation. 

We are calling on parliamentary candidates to meet with us to discuss our campaigns ahead of the upcoming General Election, however, each of the priorities will be an ongoing part of our trade union, policy and public affairs work.   

Annette Mansell-Green, Director of the BDA Trade Union and Public Affairs says, “There are many areas we feel we can have an impact, as the professional body and trade union for the dietetic workforce. Yet, to have the biggest impact we have prioritised these five campaigns that we feel we need significant movement on now.

“We want to see the government committing to rewarding and strengthening the NHS dietetic workforce, giving independent prescribing rights to dietitians across the UK, as well as extending free school meals to all primary school children across the UK and developing a UK-wide food strategy.”

“We encourage all members to get behind these campaigns and support their promotion. In the short term, we’d like members to contact their local parliamentary candidates and longer term we will be calling for further support to highlight these campaigns as we push for definitive action from any future government.”

Read the full manifesto here.

For more information on any of our campaigns, please contact the Public Affairs, Policy and Campaigns Team at [email protected]

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