Member Forums

BDA forums provide the ideal platform for our various communities to discuss interesting and informative topics of interest with other likeminded members of the dietetic profession.

BDA Forums

Forums exist for the following: and will be linked to from the specific group/branch or student pages:

We also have the following specialist forums, which you can be added to, on request, by emailing [email protected]:

All BDA Specialist Groups and Branches have their own dedicated forums, which are available to access from their web areas if you are a member.

You can join in on existing topic discussions or start your own new discussion and invite your colleagues and fellow members to join in to generate interesting debate. Read useful house rules and FAQs below.


The BDA reserves the right to remove messages which break our House Rules. In summary, the BDA will not tolerate messages we consider to be rude, offensive, defamatory, dangerous or used for personal financial gain, and we will take reasonable action against those responsible.

The BDA reserves the right to edit or remove messages that:

  • Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable.
  • Are considered likely to attack, provoke or offend others.
  • Contain swear words or other language likely to offend.
  • Break the law, condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court.
  • Advertise products, services, jobs or events without direct permission from the office team. Messages with advertising signatures or links to business web sites will be removed.
  • Are seen to impersonate someone else.
  • Are a repeat of an earlier message or topic. Please check back a page or two before starting a new topic and choose a meaningful subject for any new discussion.
  • Include people’s contact details such as phone numbers, postal or email address. If you are asked for your own contact details, we advise that you send a direct email or private message rather than posting your details onto the forum.
  • Include extracts of other people’s emails or web site without their permission.
  • Contain links to other websites which break our ethical guidelines.
  • Are chain letters, promote pyramid schemes or appear to recruit members for any network marketing business.
  • That aim to recruit members to join another web site, chat group or discussion forum.
  • Describe or encourage activities that could endanger the safety or well-being of others.
  • Complain about the BDA, employers or university. If you are not satisfied about something, email the BDA directly.
  • Have unclear or misleading subject headings.
  • Request all-member research participation – the BDA can support your research here.

Repeatedly posting personal or offensive comments about individual members of the public, other members, or people who work for the BDA may be considered harassment. We reserve the right to remove such messages and take action against those responsible.

Please be aware that although you can now post anonymously to the forum, the moderators are able to see who added new forum posts.