Feedback policy and procedure

The British Dietetic Association is committed to delivering the best possible service to: the membership; the public; and, third parties such as advertisers or commercial collaborators. We want to know when we do well and when we could do better. If you have any feedback for us, we would appreciate hearing it.

The BDA wants everyone to receive a good standard of service. If we have provided a good service then we want to learn how we can spread this to all parts of the organisation and to thank those who provided the service. Should our service fall below an acceptable level we wish to know about it and do something about it. Whilst we appreciate all feedback the BDA does not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour towards staff.

Zero tolerance to abuse

The BDA operates a zero-tolerance policy towards any violence, aggression, stigmatising, or inappropriate (abusive or rude or disrespectful) behaviour displayed towards BDA staff. 

No person representing the BDA (e.g. member of staff, volunteer or representative) should be subjected to violent, threatening or abusive behaviour by any BDA member, volunteer, third party or member of the public.

Any person displaying any of this behaviour will be investigated, and:

  • if they are a BDA member, may be subject to temporary suspension or complete exclusion from BDA membership in extreme cases. If they are a healthcare professional, they may also be referred to their own professional body for investigation
  • if they are a third party/member of the public who has displayed threatening behaviour, we may pass on your information to the local police to investigate further

Feedback can be a compliment, a comment or a complaint. This procedure should be followed in all such cases. If it is considered necessary, we will investigate complaints in accordance with other procedures in the organisation. These are separate to the Feedback Procedure and are internal to the BDA.

The feedback

All feedback will be logged, replied to and recorded. A central file will be held in the Chief Executive’s office and will contain a copy of any letter, email or correspondence related to feedback on our services. The responses or actions resulting from any complaint will also be recorded.

If you have any specific suggestions or comments, perhaps about how we could do things better in the future, then we will always listen to new ideas and implement them wherever possible.

How to provide feedback

Ideally, we would appreciate an email or letter. If you want to speak to someone in person then please telephone the office (0121 200 8080) and say that you wish to provide feedback about a particular service or issue. You may speak to a Director or anyone who you feel comfortable speaking to.

If writing please provide the following information:

  • Your name (optional)
  • Your contact details (should you require a reply)
  • The details of your feedback
  • Is there anything you would like us to do as a result of your feedback?

And send to:

The British Dietetic Association
3rd Floor Interchange Place
151-165 Edmund Street
Birmingham B3 2TA


Email it to: [email protected]