BDA Responds to NHS People Plan

30 July 2020

We welcome the publication of the NHS People Plan for 2020/21.

The document offers a positive framework for improvement for NHS staff, particularly in the context of the current pandemic, and we welcome the recognition that staff have been under increasing pressure since the response to COVID-19 began.

The plan sets out commitments to supporting staff now and in the future. Many issues that we and our members have been aware of for some considerable time, have been brought into focus this year such as workload, staff shortages, pay and reward, systemic inequality and recognition of the dietetic profession’s contribution.

There are some significant gaps in the plan such as opportunities to extend prescribing, social care and how any new proposed ways of working will be implemented without any detriment to staff.

The BDA along with our sister unions will be monitoring delivery of the plan and working to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved for our members and the profession.

Look out for our detailed response in full soon. 

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